Failure has been my greatest teacher

  • jazzdigital Marketing, Inc.

    This was my first experience running a company. l co-founded this digital marketing startup in 1999 and closed it in 2004. I learned and grew a lot.

    Biggest takeaway: To be sustainable, you need a clear unique value proposition.

  • Good Sweat

    I started Good Sweat with the thought of gamifying health. I conducted a small amount of customer discovery, secured capital, and participated in a Dan Gilbert-funded accelerator, but it never fully launched. I’d love to revisit solving this problem.

    Biggest takeaway: Launch early and perfect as you go.

  • Snapsure

    I became a co-founder of Snapsure after meeting the founder at a Startup Weekend Detroit. Snapsure was designed to help users crowdsource advice on their daily outfits. We worked on the startup for a year and got it in the Apple App Store. Unfortunately, the problem was not urgent enough to sustain users and revenue.

    Biggest takeaway: You can’t skip customer discovery.